Keiwa Sogo Law Offices (the “Firm“) will comply with laws and regulations, guidelines adopted by the government and other rules regarding handling of personal information. The Firm will comply with the rules stipulating the appropriate obtaining, using and providing of personal information in line with the purpose and endeavor to protect personal information in accordance with the following privacy policy.
1. Obtaining personal information |
The Firm may obtain personal information of our clients to the extent necessary in order to provide better legal service. |
2. Purpose of use of personal information |
The Firm will use the personal information it obtained for the following purposes. The Firm will not use the personal information for any purpose other than those listed below without the subject’s consent:
a) Performance of legal services; |
3. Management and protection of personal information |
The Firm will appropriately and strictly manage the personal information it obtained, take measures to prevent divulgement, loss or damage of such personal information, as well as implement necessary and appropriate supervision of our lawyers and staff to prevent such personal information from becoming available to third parties. The Firm will take safety measures against the risk of outside unauthorized access, etc. at an appropriate and reasonable level and endeavor to protect personal information. In case of any unlikely incidents, we will promptly take corrective measures. |
4. Disclosure and provision of personal information to a third party |
The Firm will not disclose or provide the personal information it obtained to a third party without the subject’s consent except where stipulated by law or regulation. |
5. Disclosure, amendment, deletion, etc. of personal information |
The Firm will disclose personal information to the subject as promptly as reasonably possible upon inquiry from the subject regarding personal information to the extent the proper performance of our services is not impeded. If such disclosed personal information contains false information, the Firm will amend such information as promptly as reasonably possible after confirmation of the subject’s personal ID by a prescribed method. Upon the subject’s request to cease use of, to delete, etc. the subject’s personal information, the Firm will cease use of such information as promptly as reasonably possible after confirmation of the subject’s personal ID by a prescribed method. |
6. Update of the Privacy Policy |
The Firm will comply with the Personal Information Protection Act and the relevant laws and regulations and endeavor to continue to update and improve the measures taken to protect personal information and, as a part thereof, may modify this Private Policy without prior notice in accordance with amendments of the relevant laws and regulations and changes in the policy of the Firm. |
7. Inquiries and Grievances |
For any inquiry, grievance, etc. with respect to personal information, please call the Firm at +81-3-3560-5051 (calls may be answered only from 10am to 6pm on weekdays Japan time). |
Security on the Internet, Emails, Etc. |
While the Firm will exercise a substantial degree of care in managing personal information, the Firm cannot completely guarantee the confidentiality of personal information solely by itself when, due to their nature, the Internet or Emails are used. Please use the website and emails bearing the foregoing in mind. |
Copyright 2010~ Keiwa Sogo Law Offices. All rights reserved.
Copyright Keiwa Sogo Law Offices.